Program Freeze with large folders

Submitted by CryHavoc on

Saladin is great, With just 2 incidences of the program, I get four independent windows. I have found only two minor problems with the program.

When performing most any function in the program, I have to wait until the performed function is done before I once more have control of the window.

As a superset of that, the program  will lock up from 10-60 seconds when working with a large number of files (2000 or higher).

My workstation has 32 GB of RAM so I don't think it is a hardware issue.

Anyone else experiencing these issues?

Saladin uses the Windows API to perform most operations like copying files, and it’s synchronous, so while copying the files the main window is blocked.

I have seen a brief locking when opening a folder which contains very large .exe files, because Windows Defender tends to scan these files when the icons are extracted for the first time, so perhaps it’s a similar problem. Other than that, I’ve never experienced any performance issues when working with large number of files.
