
Submitted by seleven on


Are there plans to move the code repository to GitHub?

At the moment I have no such plans. Why?


I think GitHub has many advantages over SourceForge, that I do not want to discuss in detail. But most importantly it offers easy collaboration.

I only use Saladin for a few weeks, but it is, by far, the best file manager I worked with: Very light-weight and intuitive so that I didn't really had to learn how to use it. It just does its job!

But, (yep, theres a 'but' ;)) there are some issues/features that I'd like to be fixed/added. No dealbreakers! Things that I (I think so) could address myself.

And, since GitHub is not only the "go to" Platform for OS-Projects, but also offers a very good ecosystem for collaborating on such, I thought: moving there could possibly increase the community.

If you don't have plans on that or interest in general, I'm fine with that. Otherwise, I'd be glad if I could contribute ;)


First of all, thanks for the nice words about Saladin, I appreciate it, creating a light-weight tools that just does its job was exactly my goal.

I have no doubt that GitHub is better than SourceForge for many reasons. I simply started using SF before GitHub existed and I got used to it, just like I got used to SVN as a source control system and never really felt the need to migrate to git. Git definitely works better in larger groups, but I always worked in small teams and for my needs SVN was always "good enough".

Of course it would be great if you could contribute. If that would really help you, I can consider migrating to GitHub, however, you might as well try using the existing code repository and we could see how that works.

What issues and features do you have in mind?


What issues and features do you have in mind?

I think, a few issues have already been mentioned in the forum:

  1. Tabs
  2. Reordering of Bookmarks (plus horizontal separators)

Then would it be nice if you could enter environment-variables into the "address"-field (like %temp% or %ProgramData%). And I had an issue with renaming a file, if another file with that new filename already exists. I expected the old file to be replaced, but instead the existing file is preserved an the "new" one renamed to sth. like "existing (Copy).ext".


Tabs are on my list for a long time, but it's quite a bit of work and I never really felt that I can't live without them, so I have no motivation to start working on this feature :).

Reordering bookmarks was requested some time ago I it's not much work, so I will definitely do it in the next release.

Resolving environment variables shouldn't be difficult, I'm adding it to the to-do list.

Renaming, like all other file operations, is handled by Windows, so I really don't have a lot of influence on this behavior, though I admit it's a bit annoying.


1+ for "Tabs" and for "Bookmarks Reordering". For me "Tabs" would be the best possible enhancement. "Tabs" would be extremely useful to those users (including me) who work with many directories all the time- navigation would be faster and handier. I hope that you have not discarded "Tabs" completely.


I haven't discarded tabs, I sometimes miss that too, I just wanted to focus on refreshing the UI and other improvements first. I'm going to return to this sooner or later :).