Translating to Russian

Submitted by mrkaban on

Hello! Thank you very much for such an interesting file manager! It has long been present on my site about free software. And he enjoys some popularity! Thank you distribute it under a license GNU GPL.

Need help with the program translated into Russian?

Yes, that would be great if you could create the Russian translation. Just grab the saladin_untranslated.ts file from the source package and translate it using Qt Linquist or some other tool which supports the .ts format. Then you can send me the translated file to my email (mimec at mimec org) and I'll include it in the next release.


Hello, I took the file "saladin_untranslated.ts" and renamed it "saladin_ru.ts" and as I see, it can be edited with Notepad ++. All right? and files ".qm" you make yourself?

Well you can use Notepad, but it would be easier to use a translation tool like Qt Linguist, I think that Poedit can also import .ts files.


Hello, I translated files, like all right. Where and how to send them?

 And tell me, if you write something where the translation of the author, then we can write the address of the site in Russian? If not, then do not worry.

Great, send it to my email address: mimec at Please don't change the author and site address in the translation, I will include your name in the Readme which is installed with the program and on the Development page as a credit.


I'm currently adding some new features to Saladin so it will take some time before it's released. Perhaps a month or two.
